

Tsamota’s staff have worked in counter-terrorist environments within national and international jurisdictions, including in the middle east, and are experienced in terrorist investigations, surveillance, intelligence gathering, interviewing, analysis, computer forensics and scenes of crime management.

Tsamota’s staff have skills and experience in the arena of implementing counter-terrorist measures, anti-terrorist surveys, and can deliver security advice, project management and skilled staff able to provide terrorist threat assessments, anti-terrorist training, assessment and implementation of counter-terrorist measures and threat modus operandi briefings. This service is especially beneficial for high-profile individuals, vulnerable staff members, institutions and nominated locations.

Tsamota can also provide a series of bespoke field and command centre exercises designed and written to enable the client to develop its thinking under emergency or extreme conditions, and to enact the planning and actions in such circumstances. Tsamota will write the operating procedures for incident management, role play and post-attack scenarios to provide knowledge to the client under hopefully only ever exercise-simulation circumstances.